Auditing the innovation potential

As the only company in Poland we use proprietary software for examining the innovation potential.


Capacity of the proposed service

  • Identification of a company’s innovation potential
  • Demonstration of its innovation potential in comparison with:
  • the best companies in the industry worldwide
  • the mean values for the sector in Poland and in the EU
  • Formulating recommendations to increase the company’s innovation potential.


Our Client may choose to compare selected indicators characterising its innovation potential with the results posted by the best companies and the average values in a given sector.


Scope and methodology

The innovation audit covers the following areas of company activity:


  • Organisation
  • Market analysis and customer relations
  • Products and services
  • Research and development activity
  • Human capital
  • Finance management
  • Technology audit


In each area, the company’s performance is rated on a scale from 0 to 100 (the higher the value of the indicator, the higher the innovativeness level of the company in a given area). The software assigns the company to a predefined category (micro, small, medium and large, production or service) and then determines its synthetic and partial innovation potential in individual areas of interest.



Special proprietary software was developed in order to determine the innovation potential of companies in specific fields. It contains a rich database of parameters characterising the European and national companies allowing the auditee to be described using a range of indicators. As part of the innovation audit, interviews are conducted with employees at different hierarchy levels and their opinions are subsequently compared.



The auditee receives:


  • A synthetic indicator of its innovation potential
  • Sub-indicators for individual fields of innovation
  • Recommendations on how to improve the company’s innovativeness as a whole and by individual area
  • Recommendations concerning the use of the most appropriate available public support tools (e.g. in the area of technological credit, assistance funds, tax solutions, etc.).