Doctor of technical sciences, civil engineer, Master of Business Administration (MBA, specialization in public administration), authorized urban planner. A specialist in the methods of city management, urban renewal and revitalization, development and investment processes, spatial planning, transport policy and transport systems, municipal economy, institutional development, quality of public services.
Author of scientific publications and research works related to spatial management (operational urban planning, revitalization, space economics), planning (local spatial development plans, forecasts of financial consequences of local plans) and implementations in the field of public administration (institutional development, decision support). He not only studies space, changes and phenomena related to it, but focuses on rational space management, including the activities of public authorities, which form the basic rules for the use of space.
He is a lecturer at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and a research worker at the Institute of Urban Development in Krakow. He also cooperates with the Cracow University of Technology and the University of Economics in Krakow.