Doctor of sociology, graduate of the Jagiellonian University, certified project manager. Coordinator and expert in projects in the field of public policies aimed at supporting enterprises. He teaches at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, he is involved in the activities of the Center for Evaluation and Analysis of Public Policies of the Jagiellonian University. He cooperates or cooperates, among others with the Marshal’s Office of the Lesser Poland Voivodship, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, the Regional Center for Social Policy and the Voivodship Labor Office in Krakow.
The most important hitherto existing projects: SPIN – innovation transfer model in Małopolska, Observatory of Regional Labor Markets, Diagnosis of the state social sector development development on a national scale, Meta evaluation of research on project selection criteria, Identification and assessment of barriers to implementation of investment projects under scheme 2.2 B MROP “Investment projects of enterprises in the field of R & D”, Monitoring of social enterprises in Małopolska, Diagnosis of the state of development of sectoral social dialogue on a national scale. Development of research tools for the evaluation of current Measures 2.2.1 SOP ICE, Use of evaluation based on the theory of the program and analysis of the net effect in the evaluation of investment subsidies for small and medium enterprises, Development of research tools together with schemes for selecting research samples and reaching the respondent for the needs of evaluation current Activities 2.1, 2.2 OP HC, Diagnosis of education and guidance throughout life in Małopolska in the context of the global economic crisis, Detailed analysis of objectives and program logic, review and verification of gaps in the HC OP reporting system and public reporting and other relevant resources, Małopolska partnership for promotion – development of education and continuous counseling – a model for the exchange of information, tools, research, good practices in the area of the labor market, education and training, Implementation of the Development Strategy of the Małopolska Region for the 20 years 07-2013 in the opinion of entrepreneurs, residents, tourists and socio-economic partners.