Stanisław Mazur, Professor at the Cracow University of Economics, Rector of the Cracow University of Economics, former Dean of the College of Economy and Public Administration, Head of the Department of Public Policies, Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University. 1997‒2004 Director of the Malopolska School of Public Administration, Cracow University of Economics; 1996‒1997 Head of the Centre for Studies on the Economy and Public Administration, Cracow University of Economics; 2008‒2009 President of the Foundation for the Economy and Public Administration; 2009‒2015 Member of the Civil Service Council to the Prime Minister. Editor-in-chief of the Public Governance quarterly.
Academic specialisation: Public Administration, Public Policy Analysis, Public Governance, Public Management, Organizational Learning
He participated as an expert and coordinator in several dozen national and international research projects in the fields of public policy analysis, quality of governance, strategic management, and organisational learning. He authored over 200 research papers and books published by reputed national (PWN, Scholar) and international publishing houses, including Mazur S. (eds.): Public Administration in Central Europe: Ideas as Causes of Reforms, Routledge (2020); Itrich-Drabarek J., Mazur S. (eds): Civil Service in Poland: 20 Years of Experience and Prospect for Change, Peter Lang, Berne (2018); Mazur S., Kopyciński P. (eds.): Public Policy and the Neo-Weberian State, Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy, no. 235, Routledge: London; New York.